c o n c e r t s

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Opening Concert:
An opening ceremony and concert programmed with new works by Icelandic and foreign guests of the festival. It will be broadcast live on the Internet.

The beginnings of Electronic Music:
A concert with works that are performed on conventional instruments, but sound in such a way that you would think that their composers could have used electronic- or computer technology, had it been available to them.

Before the concert there will be a lecture on the beginnings of Electro-Acoustic music.

The First Electronic Music Works:
A concert where pioneering works of E-A music will be played (or shown, in the case of film music). They will be juxtaposed with newer works that evidently come from the same source.

Before the concert there will be a lecture on the history of the first electronic instruments, and a comparison with the main instruments and studios of the present. Lecturer: Don Buchla, electronic instrument maker.

Computer Music - The Beginning:
A concert featuring works from the first years of computer music. Projections from films where the computer was used for sound, i.e. 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Wars and TRON.

Before the concert there will be a lecture on the beginnings of computer music, where computer music and analogue electronic music are compared. What were they searching for and what is the vision for the future?

Electronic and Computer music along with conventional instruments:
Performance of works by Nordic, European and American composers, where a mixture of conventional instruments and electronic sounds is used.

Before the concert there will be a lecture comparing music from different parts of the world, and on composers' experiments to combine conventional instruments with electronic sounds, focusing on its advantages and disadvantages.

Interactive computer music and multimedia - Nordic Festival I:
Performance of works where performers can, with their playing, influence the computer's role; its speed and loudness, as well as many other parameters.The concert will feature works by i.e. Jöran Rudi (Norway), Magnús Blöndal Jóhannsson (Iceland) and Hans Peter Stubbe Teglbjaerg (Denmark).

Before the concert there will be a lecture on composers' experiments in writing music where the computer's response behaviour is a part of the composition.

Alongside the concert there will be a running installation by Aake Parmerud (Sweden).

Interactive computer music, dance and virtual reality - Nordic Festival II:
Performance of works where other media, such as dance, computer graphics and virtual reality influence the music. The concert will feature works by i.e. Wayne Siegel (Denmark), Thorsteinn Hauksson (Iceland) and Aake Parmerud (Sweden).

Before the concert there will be a lecture on composers' experiments in using other media as control elements for music. Lecturers: Wayne Siegel, composer and director of DIEM, Danish Institute for Electroacoustic Music in Aarhus.

The Human Voice in Computer Music:
Performance of works where the human voice is the central reference point of the composition, pertaining to performance or sound design.

Before the concert there will be a lecture on composers' experiments in using the human voice as a starting point for musical composition. Lecturers: Paul Lansky, composer and chair of the Music Department at Princeton University, and Trevor Wishart, sonic artist from York, England.

A concert with the electronic group Biosphere from Norway.

Future concert:
A concert with live and interactive participation from various parts of the world. Performance of works from composers in different places, projected live to a screen in the concert hall. A strong effort will be put into choosing new works of diverse origin, to show the variety present in the world of computer music today.

Before the concert there will be a lecture on the future and its possible developments. Lecturers: Jack Vees, bass player and director of the CSMT studio at Yale University, Kenneth Peacock, director of the Music Technology department at New York University, Konrad Boehmer, professor at the Royal Dutch Conservatory

--------- Last update August 29th 2000

--------- © 2000 Músík og saga